How to Know if Your Tree Is Dead or Dying?

A tree that is dead or dying is more than just an eyesore – it is also a health and safety hazard. A tree that is dead or dying can fall at any moment, causing injury to family, friends, visitors, or pets. It can also cause damage to your home, car, and other personal property. Dead and dying trees also make great homes and nests for animals and pests who will move on to your home if not properly eradicated.

If you’ve noticed warning signs that your tree is dying in Salt Lake City, UT, contact Rent-A-Monkey Tree Services. We can safely and completely remove a tree that is dead and dying, so your home is safer, more beautiful, and more inviting than it was before. Once the tree is removed, you’ll have space to put out furniture, plant a garden, pot flowers, or plant a new, healthier tree.

branches of tree

Dangers of a Dead or Dying Tree

Dead or dying trees can cause significant injury. If someone is injured on your property due to a dead or dying tree that you knew about and didn’t remove, you can be held responsible for their injuries. Keeping a dead or dying tree on your property also puts your family, visitors, and pets at risk of accident or injury. Trees that are dead and dying also pose a fire hazard, especially if they are interfering with power lines. When a dead tree falls, it can cause significant, costly damage to your home, garage, car, swimming pool, other trees and plants, and sidewalk or driveway. In the end, it’s cheaper to hire a professional tree removal service to take care of a dead or dying tree than to wait and deal with the dangerous, costly aftermath of a fallen tree.

When to Call a Professional for Tree Removal

You should call a professional for tree removal in Salt Lake City if you have a dead or dying tree that is past saving. You should also opt for professional tree removal or branch removal if a tree has been damaged so badly that it is leaning significantly, no longer stable, interfering with power lines, or posing an obstruction to a walkway, common area, public property, or access to utility lines or meters. If you notice any of these problems, contact us at Rent-A-Monkey Tree Services for reliable, professional, and affordable tree removal services in Salt Lake.

Benefits of Professional Tree Removal Services

Hiring a professional for tree removal services in Salt Lake City ensures that the tree is removed quickly, safely, and efficiently. Investing in a professional tree removal company will actually save you time and money in the end, as you have a guarantee that the job will be done correctly the first time. Hiring a professional when you notice signs that your tree is dying will protect your family, pets, home, and personal property. It will also keep your property looking its best.

A professional tree removal service can also provide stump removal services, so you can use the free space in your yard for something useful or beautiful once the dead or dying tree is gone. Hiring a professional for tree removal services is also much safer than attempting it yourself. Tree specialists have years of experience in safely removing trees without causing damage to surrounding landscaping or personal property. They also use professional equipment that gets the job done quickly and safely.

Signs Your Tree Is Dead or Dying

Before deciding to invest in professional tree removal services in Salt Lake City, check for these warning signs that your tree is dying or dead:

  • cracks in the trunk
  • peeling bark
  • mushrooms growing at the tree’s roots
  • multiple broken branches
  • multiple branches without buds or leaves
  • visible rot or fungus on the branches, bark, or roots
  • a tree that is leaning so far it is becoming uprooted
  • open wounds or gashes on the tree trunk
  • no leaves on the tree
  • signs of termites or other invasive pests
  • severe root damage
  • brittle branches
  • no signs of green under the tree’s bark

What to Do After Tree Removal in Salt Lake City

Once you have hired a professional tree service in Salt Lake City to remove the tree, tree stump, and roots, you can use the new space however you’d like! Many customers choose to plant a new tree. If you want to do that, please let us know and we won’t fill in the hole. If you want to plant grass or flowers, we will remove all debris and fill in the hole for you. You can also use the space for lawn furniture, a patio, a barbecue, a playhouse or shed, playground equipment, or a garden. Once the tree, roots, and stump are completely removed and the hole is filled in and the ground level, the space is safe to be used for whatever you’d like!

Call Us Today!

If you’ve noticed signs that your tree is dead or dying in Salt Lake City, UT, our tree specialists at Rent-A-Monkey Tree Services can help. We offer professional tree removal services to remove dead or dying trees so you can use the space for something more enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing. We also offer stump removal and root removal services so there won’t be any unsightly remains of the tree, and you can plant something else right away. We can even provide mulch, kindling, or firewood from the tree once it has been cut down. To learn more or to schedule a site visit for a tree assessment to determine if you need tree removal services in Salt Lake City, just call us today or contact us online.

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